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Frequently Asked Questions
Study Background & Purpose
Survey Completion
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Who are we (TransLink and Ipsos)?
Contact Information
What is a travel survey?
It’s simply a log or diary of the trips your household makes on a designated day(s). Top
I don’t use transit. Why should I take this survey?
The information gained from this survey will inform various transportation decisions including decisions related to road, cycling and walking infrastructure. By participating in the survey, you will be providing a snapshot of travel in your city, and your travel patterns will help shape the planning of future transportation infrastructure. Top
Why are you collecting demographic information about my household?
Travel behaviour is usually influenced by demographic factors such as household size, age, income and employment status. Having this information helps us understand the transportation needs of the different segments of the population. Please be assured that all personal information will be collected and stored in accordance with our obligations to the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FOIPPA).To view TransLink’s Privacy Policy please click here . Top
Why are you collecting information about my household’s trips?
Having accurate information on the travel patterns of residents will enable transportation planners to assess current transportation needs, identify trends and develop transportation strategies and improvements. Metro Vancouver and the Fraser Valley relies on Regional Trip Diary Survey data to monitor and analyze trends and patterns in how people and goods move in the region as a result of growth and development. The data helps to inform regional policy and decision-making. Top
When are you collecting data?
We are collecting data from end of May to mid December 2023. Top
Who is included in the survey?
We are surveying residents from Metro Vancouver and theFraser Valley. Please see below for a map of the study area:

Who in my household should complete the survey?
We encourage everyone aged 16+ to complete the online survey themselves. However, if that person is not available, we ask that the person most familiar with the daily travel habits of each member of your household to complete the survey online. The mobile app survey must be downloaded and completed by the individual household member themselves.

Each member of the household can print a trip-tracking form and bring it with them on the day of their diary date to help keep track of their trips throughout the day.
My survey day is not a typical day for my household, should I still do the survey?
Yes, it is fine if that day is not typical for your household. In fact, we need to include these types of days in our survey. Top
What constitutes a trip?
A trip means when you travel to a new location with a trip purpose or a recreational trip (without a destination), including any small trips (e.g. stopping for gas, buying a coffee, dropping off/picking up someone, walking, jogging or biking in your neighbourhood with no destination). See example diagram below:

What doesn’t count as a trip?
Here are some examples of what does not count as a trip:
  • Walking between a parking lot and your destination
  • Walking to or from transit stops
  • Walking between classes/campus or within the same building complex, such as office
  • Commercial vehicle trips
Do I need to record any walking trips?
For the purpose of this study, we are only interested in walking trips where you walked the whole way. (Please remember to include the small walking trips made such as walk to a coffee shop or a convenience store.)

If you walked part way, such as walking to a bus stop or SkyTrain station to catch public transport, this leg of your journey should not be included as a trip. See example diagram below:

How do I record multi-mode transportation trips?
All transportation modes used for a single trip should be recorded (with walking between modes being the only exception). Please record the transportation modes used in chronological order.

If you used more than 3 modes of transportation, please record the additional mode(s) in the “other specify" category. See example diagram below:

I’m a commercial driver, do I record my commercial delivery trip?
We understand that it would be very difficult for commercial drivers to record all their trips and we certainly don’t expect them to do so. Instead, we ask that you record only your PERSONAL TRIPS, which include trips that you travel to and from work and any non-work related trips. If you work from home but traveled to another location for a work meeting, please record this as a trip.
My family member made the exact same trips as I did on our assigned diary date; do I still need to fill out their trip information?
Yes, every member of your household would need to complete a separate trip survey with all the trips recorded. Top
What is the X-ING app?
X-ING is an app designed to collect household travel survey information for the 2023 trip diary. This information includes all places visited by you along with details that explain the why, how and when of the trips you made.

The app will ask you to fill in information during 1 full day of travel (the definition of a day takes us to 4am the following day). While using the mobile app is encouraged, as it will make filling the survey easier for you, you may opt out from using the mobile app at any time and complete the survey online instead. Please note that by opting out from using the mobile app, you will no longer be eligible for any bonus incentives that may apply.

I got an invitation to participate in a study, what do I do?
Your invitation includes a web address and QR code to complete an online survey to get you started. Once this survey is completed you will receive instructions for accessing, downloading and using X-ING app (if you select to use the App).
How do I know if I am eligible to use the X-ING app?
You must be 16 years old or older to use the mobile app. If a Household member is under the age of 18, they may complete this survey using a smartphone if their parent or guardian has consented by providing the minor’s email address through this survey.

Further, beyond the study specific requirements, the only phone requirement is that you have a smartphone running iOS 10.0 or Android (version 4.4 or newer). You can check your OS version by taking the following steps:

  • Android: Go to Settings → About → Software Information → Android Version
  • Apple iPhone iOS: Go to Settings → General → About → Version
How do I download/install the X-ING app?
For household member(s) who were volunteered by the main household contact to participate in the mobile app survey, they must provide us with their opt-in prior to their diary day. If they fail to do so, the main household contact will be notified, and he/she will be responsible for filling out the diary survey online for that household member on the assigned diary day.

You must download and initiate the app by 12:00am on your assigned diary day. The download/installation instructions are included in the email you receive.

What do you do with the data from the app?
The data collected on the app provides more detailed and accurate travel information than the online survey traditionally used in this type of survey. For example, information like travel path and the exact times that you leave from and arrive at each place you visit is passively detected and recorded. This makes the process easier for you, compared to filling everything out using the online survey. You do not need to actively record the trips yourself, the app does this for you automatically. This enhanced data is important to transportation planners for knowing how, when, and why people travel within the region.
When should I carry my smartphone?
In order for us to collect full and accurate travel data, you will need to carry your smartphone with you at all times on your assigned diary date.
Will the app drain my battery?
As the X-ing app collects GPS data, you may notice more than usual battery consumption. As such, you may need to charge your phone during the day.
Do I need to have a data plan to run the app?
No, you do not need a data plan to run the app.
Do you track my movements all the time?
The app tracks your movements after installation and during the assigned travel days. After the end of the designated survey days, you can delete/uninstall it from your smartphone.
How do I add a missing trip on the app?
  • On the Trip Diary page, swipe right to insert a missing trip or stop.
  • Once you have inserted a trip, tap on the inserted segment that says “Edit mode & time”. This will take you to the Trip Details page. Tap anywhere in the box marked “Travel” to bring up the available modes of travel.
  • Tap anywhere in the box marked “Time” to adjust the start or end time of a travel segment.
See example below:

How do I remove an auto-logged trip on the app?

On the Trip Diary page, swipe right on the trip you would like to remove to bring up the “Insert Trip” or “Delete” option. Tap the “Delete” icon and select “Yes” when prompted by the pop-up.Alternatively, you can tap on the travel segment or location you would like to remove. This will take you to the “Trip Details” screen. Tap the “More” button at the top right of the screen and select “Delete activity”.

See example below.

How do I change the time and/or locations of an auto-logged trip on the app?
To edit the time of an auto-logged trip:
  • On the Trip Diary page, tap anywhere in the location segment to navigate to the Trip Details page.
  • Tap within the “Time” box to edit the start or end times of the trip. Drag the arrows to adjust the start or end time of the trip.
  • Alternatively, tap on either of the pencil icons to bring up a picker to adjust start and end times.
See example below.

To edit the location of an auto-logged trip:

  • On the Trip Diary page, tap anywhere in the location segment to navigate to the Stop Details page.
  • Tap within the “Location” box to edit the location. You can edit the location by:
    • Moving the pin on the map to the desired location;
    • Entering the new address or location name in the search bar;
    • Tapping “Frequent” to bring up the list of frequently visited places; or
    • Tapping “Nearby” to display a list of nearby points of interest.
How do I merge two trips on the app?
  • To merge two trips, swipe right on the stop segment you would like to remove on the Trip Diary page and tap on “Delete”.
  • The location will be replaced with a yellow segment that says “Unknown whereabouts. Tap to edit”. Tap anywhere on this segment to see the actions you can take. Tap on “Combine trips” and then select “Done”.
  • This will bring you back to the Travel Diary page. Tap on the travel segment with the question mark to select your mode of travel.
How do I resolve a data gap on the app?
A data gap is a period of time where the system did not receive an adequate signal from your device to infer a trip or stop.
  • Tap anywhere within that gap segment to see the actions the user can take to resolve the gap.
  • The options displayed will vary depending on the data received before and after the initial gap.
  • Once an option is chosen the app will allow you to verify that choice as you would a regular trip or stop.
See example below.

I do not want to use the mobile app, can I still complete the survey on my phone?
Yes, you can complete the survey on your phone or tablet via the online survey link.
I’m using the app, but I have a question about how it’s working. What do I do?
You can email us at or call us toll free at 1-833-485-1171 during regular business hours from 9am to 6:30pm Pacific Time.
Who is providing the incentives?
Prizes are administered and procured by Ipsos as an incentive to complete the survey as a regular course of business. Top
Do I need to complete the entire survey to qualify for the incentives?
Yes, all members of your household must answer all questions and complete the survey for the assigned survey day to be qualified for the incentives.

Note: Due to standard contest rules, TransLink and Ipsos employees are not eligible for the prize draw. Please click here for the contest rules.
What are the draw prizes?
Upon completion of the household assignment, your household will be entered to win:
  • One $2,000 Visa gift card;
  • One of 2 $1,000 Visa gift cards;
  • One of 5 $500 Visa gift cards;
  • One of 10 $250 Visa gift cards; or,
  • One of 22 $100 Visa gift cards.
Note: Those who use the mobile app survey will be provided with one (1) additional entry to the draw prize once everyone in their household has completed their survey.
When will the prize winners be announced?
January 2024

Please click here for the contest rules.
Who are the winners?
I’m concerned about my privacy; how confidential is the study?
Protecting your privacy is very important to us. Ipsos is a market research leader with long standing associations with the Marketing Research and Intelligence Association (MRIA). We will never try to sell you anything and will use the information you provide only for research purposes. Top
How will my information be used?
All the data we collect from the survey are used for statistical and classification purposes only and will NEVER be shared or sold on an individual basis. Top
Who is TransLink?
TransLink is Metro Vancouver’s regional transportation authority, responsible for the regional transportation network of Metro Vancouver in British Columbia, Canada, including public transport, major roads, cycling infrastructure and some bridges. To verify the survey, click here: Top
Who is Ipsos?
Ipsos is a global market research company. We have offices in 90 countries. We provide a wide range of research services (both quantitative and qualitative) to meet all types of marketing and opinion research needs. To learn more about Ipsos, please visit our website at Top
How can I contact you if I have more questions?
You can email us at or call us toll free at 1-833-485-1171 during regular business hours from 9am to 6:30pm Pacific Time. Top