Useful tips for completing the trip diary section:
- To make it easier for you to do your online trip diary later, we highly recommend that you print out a trip-tracking form for EACH member of your household.This way, your household members can simply write down their trip information as they make their trips during that day, and use the form as a reference when completing Part B of the Trip Diary survey. Click here for the handy trip-tracking form.
- You can fill out the survey on your computer, tablet or mobile via the online survey or mobile app.
- If you are completing the survey online, it might be useful for everyone in your household to carry a watch or cellphone in order to accurately record when trips start and finish on your assigned diary day.
- If you are completing the survey using the mobile app, you will need to download and initiate the mobile app by 12:00am on your diary day.
- What counts as a trip?A trip means when you travel to a new location with a trip purpose or a recreational trip (without a destination), including any small trips. For example:
- Stopping for gas
- Buying a coffee
- Dropping off/picking up someone
- Walking / Walking the dog (with no destination)
- Jogging or biking in your neighbourhood with no destination
- What doesn’t count as a trip?Here are some example:
- Walking between a parking lot and your destination (see below)
- Walking to or from bus stops or transit stations (see below)
- Transferring between different transportation modes (see below)
- Walking between classes on campus or within the same building complex, such as an office
- Trips that are made completely outside of Metro Vancouver
See example diagram below:
- Travel by walking:
- For the purpose of this study, we are only interested in walking trips where you walked the whole way. (Please remember to include the small walking trips made such as walk to a coffee shop or a convenience store.)
- If you walked part way, such as walking to a bus stop or SkyTrain station to catch public transport, this leg of your journey should not be included as a trip. See example diagram below:
- Travel by multiple modes of transportation:
- All transportation modes used for a single trip should be recorded (with walking between modes being the only exception). Please record the transportation modes used in chronological order.
- If you used more than 3 modes of transportation, please record the additional mode(s) in the “other” specify category. See example diagram below:
- For more information about this survey, please visit the FAQ Page.